Shadow Jago’s Trailer & Release Date
Finally! What a way to ring in December, right? We’re so happy to finally be able to bring you Shadow Jago’s trailer, and even better, a release date for the “newest” character coming to KI.
Of course we must reiterate that YOU made this possible. Those aren’t just hollow words to us. The Community Fund Bundle was an overwhelming success, and we get to now deliver Shadow Jago’s unique moveset to you!
You’ll notice in the video that Shadow Jago is available to purchase from December 18th-January 15th. That means that if you already attained Shadow Jago through either the Community Fund Bundle or via Xbox Live Day One Gold, you have access to him starting on December 4th. Enjoy the 2 weeks of exclusivity, and make sure to do as much damage as you can while your opponent takes the brunt of your unyielding attacks.
If you do not own him, get ready. You will be able to purchase him during the dates listed. Once he goes away, there’s no promise that he will be available again. Don’t let it slip by.
We’ll be back later with more pricing details, but we’re guessing you’re too busy watching the trailer again. We know we are. See you on the 4th!
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