Kim Wu’s Default & Retro Colors
Another week. We’re inching closer to Season 3’s launch, and as each week goes by we give you a little more and more to consume. Last week we looked at Rash’s color options. This week we’ve got Kim Wu!
The above image highlights Kim Wu and her 1st color option, but the gallery below will show you what colors 2-9 look like. Check ’em out.
Ok with those out of the way, let’s go ahead and dive in to her…Retro look. Gallery below!
That’ll do it for a look at Kim Wu’s colors. Next week we’ll be looking at Arbiter, so stay tuned for that.
Until then, pop by the forums and let us know what you think.
Discuss: http://forums.www.ultra-combo.com/t/kim-wus-colors/6075