KI at PAX East 2016
PAX East 2016 kicks off later this week in Boston, MA, and we’re going to once again be bringing our beloved Killer Instinct to the show to share with all of you in attendance.
Like last year, we will once again be teaming up with our friends at Astro Gaming and we’ll have two stations at their booth to show off Killer Instinct goodness to any and all who pass by. This year’s Astro booth is located in the main hall, booth #4072 so swing by to check out Season 3’s offerings.
That’s all well and good, but surely you’d like to know more about the specifics of what we’re bringing, right? Well allow us to introduce you to…
By now you’ve undoubtedly seen the Season 3 launch trailer which showed your first look at Mira, but this weekend we are giving her a proper unveiling as we prep for her April launch. April what, you ask? Still TBD. We are in the final rounds of testing and tweaking, but April is still the target timing.
So make sure to drop by the Astro booth and check out our newest addition to Season 3. We’ll have a special surprise for each person that swings by! Promise it will be worth it!
In addition to showing off Mira, we also worked with Astro to create these special, one of a kind A40 Speaker Tags that we will be giving out on the show floor to a few lucky visitors. Drop by the booth for more information, but note they aren’t for sale and the ONLY way to get them will be at this event. So make sure to swing by!
If you’re an audiophile, you’ll most definitely want to swing by the Maestros of Video Games Panel. Our very own Tom Salta – Atlas Plug – will be there to talk shop, do a brief meet & greet as well as a signing.
The details are here: http://east.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/maestros-of-video-games
“What does it take to write music for games? Hear from five of the industry’s leading composers as they share their experiences and discuss the craft of composing music for video games. Featuring the award-winning composers behind the music of The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5, Ori and the Blind Forest, Minecraft: Greek Mythology, Halo, Killer Instinct, Prince of Persia, Red Steel, Starcraft: Legacy of the Void, and World of Warcraft! The panel will be followed by a meet & greet / autograph session.”
Of course it wouldn’t be a full on event if Iron Galaxy wasn’t in attendance as well. Mira will also be playable at their booth. They’ll also be streaming from their booth all weekend long. Details and schedule on that coming soon.
So there’s the need to know for the upcoming weekend. Keep an eye out on our Twitter for more details (I hear Free Stuff Friday may include those Speaker Tags). Enjoy the week, and we will catch you later!
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