Last Chance to Sign up for EVO 2016!
“The Evolution Championship Series (Evo for short) represents the largest and longest-running fighting game tournaments in the world. Evo brings together the best of the best from around the world in a dazzling exhibition of skill and fun, as players and fans gather to honor the competitive spirit in an open format and determine a champion.” – fromĀ http://evo.shoryuken.com/
The above is just a sample of EVO has to offer, but if you’ve been around the FGC for any amount of time, you already know the drill. For the uninitiated, EVO is one of the premiere tournaments which takes place yearly in Las Vegas, NV.
KI will be one of EVO’s featured games again this year, and it’s certainly going to be one helluva show. If you’re on the fence about attending, we highly encourage going. It is certainly a sight to behold.
There are only 2 days left as of writing this piece to sign up for EVO, and to help sweeten the deal we are happy to say that the KI portion of EVO will feature a pot bonusĀ of $15,000 coming from the recently announced KI Ultra Tour funding. The pot bonus will be split among the Top 8 finishers at this year’s tournament.
So there it is. If you’re still trying to decide whether or not you’ll be making the trip to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks, quit stalling. There’s a lot of money on the line. Make sure to get your piece of it.
See you July 15th-17th!